The reality you knew is over.

What can you do now?

Where do you start?

First, you must answer the question of who you are.

Who are you?

You need to know what you identify as. You are an entity that exists. What entity are you?

The reason for this is that you are about to enter a highly competative environment, and you are not prepared. Your identity will make it possible to make allies and identify adversaries.

You will have adversaries by default, you must gain allies. Some of you need to learn what these words actually mean.

Second, you must answer the question of what you do.

You need to have a purpose in life. It is not enough to exist. You must know what your reason for existing is. If you do not choose one, someone else will chose it for you. It is possible to exist in a state without purpose, but this will put you at a disadvantage. It is better to choose that purpose for yourself, even if it is of little consequence, because mobs form when groups of puposeless people collect.

Once you've done these two things, you can work on creating your own reality bubble. You will need this in order to protect your identity and purpose from the change in the consensual and cultural reatilty change around you.

Once you know who you are and what you do, you need to figure out how stable your life is. If you life is stable, then you can dig in and survive. However, if your life is not sustainable, or is missing anything essential, then those vulnerable points are the most likely point of failure. As reality descends in to chaos, you can withstand failures at a few of these weak points. However, as each weak point in your life fails, it increases the stress on the other weak points, and generally collapse follows. This can possibly be avoided, but you have to start working on it now, before the failures start. You must also accept the possibility that even if you do everything correctly, your life may still collapse under exgternal pressure of chaos. If that happens, you'll need to figure out how to fail safe and avoid the traps that catch desperate people. As this will be universallhy happening, an outcome where everyone will be crawling over each other to try to lessen their own collapse becomes possible. We don't hope for this, but we must plan for this in order to be able to quickly respond.

Any port in a storm.